
<aside> 📌 Reminders

Why do we need synchronization?

Consider the following C code


Although it is a single line of code, it consists of 3 assembly instructions:

LW $t0, counter // load the variable to a register
ADDI $t0, $t0, 1 // increment the value
SW $t0, counter // store the new value back in the variable

Now, consider a system with running threads, t1 and t2, both of which will be attempting to increment counter

Suppose t1 gets there first, and completes the first 2 instructions required for incrementing, but is then interrupted. Now t2 runs the instructions, but, when it loads counter into memory, it still see the old value of 1 since t1 has not yet stored the incremented value. Now both t1 and t2 run the third instruction, but both end up storing 1 in counter. As a result, counter's value is 1, despite being incremented twice.

This bug is know as a race condition the final outcome of the code snippet is non-deterministic and depends on internal decisions made by the OS scheduler. Needles to say, this is an undesirable outcome; we should be able to definitively tell the result of our code regardless of OS decisions.

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Race condition: A phenomenon in which the behaviour of a program depends on the unpredictable order in which concurrent threads or processes access shared resources, leading to unintended or incorrect outcomes.


We’ll refer to any code segment that is susceptible to race conditions as a critical section.

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Critical section: A section of code in which a shared resource is modified or accessed; usually prone to race conditions


Race conditions are the most common bug you will encounter in this project; if you believe your approach is correct but are still getting some unexpected behaviour, it’s probably a race condition.

pintOS offers synchronization primitives that, if used correctly, can prevent race conditions.

How to achieve synchronization?

A synchronization primitive is a tool offered by the OS to help synchronize access to shared resources. There are 3 such primitives offered by pintOS

🔒 Locks

The simplest of the 3 primitives, locks are used to restrict access to a single thread.